How do I view my Profit and Loss?

Where can I find My Profit and Loss?

The My Profit and Loss page is available in the Betting Activity section of My Account and reflects your returns minus your stakes for all bets settled within the chosen date range of 7 days, 30 days, 3 months or 12 months (including any bets placed outside the date range but settled within it). The figures displayed are calculated according to GMT timezone.

What’s included in My Profit and Loss?

Stakes, returns and cash from bonuses are included in Profit & Loss under stakes and returns. Free bets or spins are not included, but any cash winnings from them will be. No open bets are included, and only settled bets will show in your stakes and returns.

Note: For the Poker product, the Profit & Loss is calculated based on transfers in and out of your Poker wallet.

And my money in and out?

My Profit and Loss does not take into account deposits and withdrawals. You can check your payments activity in the Transaction History page.

Can’t see your recent activity?

If you cannot see your most recent activity within the My Profit and Loss page, that is because your betting activity is refreshed daily, so today’s Profit & Loss figures will be available from tomorrow.

Note: On rare occasions, the Profit & Loss calculation may be delayed due to data availability issues resulting in your Profit & Loss not being accurate. As soon as the issues are resolved, your Profit & Loss will be updated accordingly. This may take up to 48 hours.


If you place a Sports bet on Thursday on the Saturday match, your Profit & Loss will be updated on Sunday to reflect the outcome of that bet.

If you play a Casino game on Thursday, your Profit & Loss will be updated on Friday to reflect the outcome of that play.

If you transfer funds into your Poker wallet on Monday, your Profit & Loss will be updated on Tuesday to reflect that transfer. Transfers into your Poker wallet are treated as stakes, while transfers out of your Poker wallet are treated as returns. The Poker wallet balance is not taken into consideration.

Please note that free bets or spins are not included in your Profit & Loss, but any cash winnings from them will be. No open bets are included, and only settled bets will show in your stakes and returns.

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