All customers aged 18-24 have a Spend Budget on their account, so we’ve pulled together some handy information to help you understand your Spend Budget. Alternatively, our general Spend Budgets FAQs can be found here. Should you wish to increase your spend limit, documentation may be required.
What are Spend Budgets?
Spend Budgets are just one of the tools we’ve introduced to help you keep your play fun. They’re a way of making sure you’re always in the driving seat. Your Budget is the net amount you can deposit into your account each month. It's based on your net deposits, which means that depositing will reduce the amount available and withdrawing will increase it.
What’s the difference between Spend Budgets vs Deposit Limits?
The main difference is that your Spend Budget is set automatically by us and your Deposit Limit is set by you.
What happens if I have a Spend Budget and a Deposit Limit at the same time?
In this case, the lower of the two remaining amounts will apply to your account.
How does this affect me?
If you’re aged between 18 and 24 you’ll get a notification when you login or go to My Account to advise that a Spend Budget has been set for you and how you can track your spend throughout any given month within the My Spend Budget hub.
We’ll also send you an email to give you the heads up.
How do I know how much I can deposit?
Customers under 25 will have a Spend Budget of £/€500 per month. You can track your Spend Budget and your remaining amount online or in the app.
What if I want a lower Spend Budget?
Your Spend Budget is a monthly upper limit, however if this value isn’t right for you we have a number of tools available on site including our deposit and loss limits which you can tailor to match your desired spend on site in a given period. For further information and the option to apply more suitable controls for you, our Safer Gambling tools can be found here.
What if I can afford to spend more than my limit?
If you’d like us to increase your Spend Budget, you can get in touch online or through the app. This process can take a couple of days and you’ll need to provide some documents that show a higher Budget is sustainable. You can contact us here by selecting 'chat with us'.
What information would I need to provide?
Simply log onto the app and our team will talk you through the types of documents you can provide.
What happens if I withdraw cash?
As Spend Budgets are based on your net deposit position, cash is just another form of withdrawal. Your Budget will increase if you withdraw.
Can I get rid of my Spend Budget?
For the moment, we’re not removing Spend Budgets from accounts. If you think your limit is too high, you can contact us by selecting 'chat with us' here and we would be happy to reduce it. If you think it’s too low, you can get in touch online or through the app.