Combined business of Flutter Entertainment and The Stars Group - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions around the combined business of Flutter Entertainment and The Stars Group.

Please click here to see FAQs related to Safer Gambling.

Does the merger mean I need to do anything as a customer to continue playing with you? Will the service I receive change?
Flutter Entertainment and The Stars Group have now combined into one business bringing some of the best-known gaming brands together under one umbrella. However, it is very much business as usual for Paddy Power, which will continue to be available according to our current licenses.

Currently, you will be unable to access our other brands using your Paddy Power account, so please continue to use your respective separate accounts. Your funds remain safe, secure and available for withdrawal.

Privacy: Will my customer info be shared across the new merged company?
While Flutter Entertainment now ultimately owns all the customer data of its constituent brands inclusive of those formerly owned by The Stars Group, it’s recognised that all data protection legislation must be adhered to. As such, marketing preferences will not automatically be carried over to other brands. If you wish to change your marketing preferences, you should contact each brand directly.

Will I be able to log in to other brands under the new group using the same login details?
Currently, you will be unable to access our other brands using your Paddy Power account, so please continue to use your respective separate accounts. Your funds remain safe, secure and available for withdrawal.

Who do I contact if I have a problem or concern?
You should continue to utilise the help and support capabilities available on the Paddy Power site.

Will any desktop software changes for me?
Flutter Entertainment and The Stars Group have now combined into one business bringing some of the best-known gaming brands together under one umbrella. However, it is very much business as usual for Paddy Power, which will continue to offer the same software and products that you enjoy today.

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